Warhammer Underworlds: Beastgrave - Morgwaeth's Blade-Coven

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Morgwaeth the Bloodied and her murderous retinue were dispatched to Beastgrave by Morathi in search of a long-hidden shard of Khaine. Shadowed paths brought them to the mountain, and immediately they knew their objective was near – what else could account for the visions of slaughter and echoes of battle that haunted Beastgrave’s megalithic depths? In truth, however, their quest was a fool’s errand, for Morathi knew no shard lay in the mountain – Morgwaeth had questioned her liege a little too publicly, and was sent to Beastgrave for her temerity. This was a poor punishment for the hag queen, though – the blades of Khaine found many offerings to the lord of murder in the mountain’s ancient halls, and their dedication may yet see them escape Beastgrave’s grasp.

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