Wizards of the Coast isn't too happy with having their promotional calendar for Modern Horizons 3 usurped by someone on the internet, but they're taking it in stride this time around.
A bunch of cards from the upcoming set have been making the rounds on social media over the last few days, due to a mysterious individual leaking the images to places like X/Twitter and Reddit, so let's dig into some of the new cards!
Modern Horizons 3 is set for release at local game stores on June 7, with the proper preview season kicking off on May 21st, but we first got a look at some of the Modern goodies coming our way back in Feb at MagicCon Chicago.

The first big reveals included the return of everyone's favourite reality-ending, flying spaghetti monster Emrakul, signaling the comeback of the Eldrazi titans and a strong colourless theme for the MH3 draft format.
In addition to eldritch tentacle horrors, Wizards revealed that Modern Horizons 3 will feature the original fetchlands, reprinted in a variety of treatments, including a slick retro format.

But as exciting as those reveals are, they're old news.Â
Let's take a look at the latest leaks and see where they might fit into the Modern landscape.

A new 'goyf is coming to town. Nethergoyf is looking pretty powerful from the outset, despite only counting cards in your own graveyard for its power and toughness.
Even with that as a step back when compared to the classic Modern staple Tarmogoyf, Nethergoyf is likely to be a cheap casting cost powerhouse most of the time.
Having built in recursion making it hard to keep off the battlefield, in a format with multiple efficient ways to fill your graveyard, is the cherry on top.

The new Sol Land is definitely receiving some buzz. Any land that's able to produce multiple mana in one turn is going to be powerful, and there are a number of decks that can leverage Ugin's Labyrinth to great effect.
The ability to return the exiled card later in the game makes the card advantage for this land pretty negligible.
Ugin's Labyrinth could easily fit into Affinity or Tron decks, as well as make a great edition to a massive number of Commander decks.
Expect this one to make some waves.

There are undoubtedly going to be a number of powerful reprints coming to the format in Modern Horizons 3, and one of them is Orim's Chant.
This card hasn't been seen since Planeshift, which, at the time, Orim's Chant was merely an interesting effect. Fast forward a few years, and the release of Mirrodin changed that. Suddenly, Orim's Chant, when paired with an Isochron Scepter, became an often game-breaking lock for an unwary opponent.
While not quite as bad as being Mindslaver'd every single turn, your opponent not being able to cast spells or attack on their turn is pretty debilitating for their game plan, and this two card combo is making its way to Modern now.

Those aren't the only leaks to be confirmed by Wizards to be real. We've got a bunch of new toys to look forward to playing with this summer!
If you want to make sure you get your hands on Modern Horizons 3 on release day, get your preorders in. We've only seen a small sample of the set so far, and it's already shaping up to be ridiculously good, both for Modern players looking for the new hotness for their decks, but also for limited players wanting a powerful and fun draft experience.
Preorder your Modern Horizons 3 Collector Boosters, Bundles, and Commander Decks right here!